Sunday, March 29, 2020

March has been an eventful month indeed.....

This Brooklyn College Newman Alumni blog has been slowed to a crawl due to the Coronavirus  ---  COVID-19;  and everybody's responses to it

My quick and early departure to my beachside bunker not far from the famed Daytona Beach fowled-up my internet access for three weeks

So far, none of our band of associates has suffered the depredations of the disease itself,  but most if not all have been significantly inconvenienced by shortages of many necessaries in the stores  ---  and to a growing extent the so-called "lock-downs" or "shelter in place" orders  ---  and just yesterday,  talk about a variety of travel restrictions were being discussed far and wide,  and at varying levels of local,  state and/or federal government

Let's keep each other in our thoughts;  and a little prayer each for some or all of the others wouldn't hurt either.....

Friday, March 6, 2020

March 5, 2020 was an eventful day..... a few more wonderful people came on board


I reached out and touched Joe Wronka with news of this blog   ---  Joe had trouble getting a comment in here ---   then Joe Wronka reached back and touched us with news of his very professional blog  ---  and I'll tell you and Joe now, why that impressed me so.....

Meanwhile, Kathy Rogan Hurley jumped in with four feet  ---  two of her own and two for her hubby

There's no need for me to show my more recent outreach efforts to Herr Doktor Professor Joseph Wronka and Kathy Rogan Hurley.....   They're more or less cut and paste versions of what most of the rest of you got by E-mail several days earlier.....
Joe's response was quick and pithy.    And, this is what he said:  "I didn't find a way to post anything, as I continue to be somewhat of a technophobe, but you (and possibly others) may wish to take a look at my webpage at: Anyway, will look forward to other posts with memories back in the day when we went to BC in rather exciting, yet turbulent times...."
I was so moved, I put it up on Facebook with its own little banner headline; "WOWSUH ! WOWSUH !! WOWSUH !!!"  ---   certainly, not to be confused with one of Galewyn Massey's "Banner" headlines  ---  Unlike the fictionalized responses of my alter ego, my enthusiasm here was real;  because for almost fifty years, I have thought that Joe Wronka did one of the most impressive things done by a fellow BC Newmanite during my time at the college and Newman. As I remember it, during one of the summer breaks, Joe backpacked around the Mediterranean, both on the European and North African sides.
Enough about Joe !!!  The other bright spot of the day came out like a ray of sunshine from the Richmond area of Virginia.....
Bing, bam, boom (I know, I know, in New York,  especially here in Staten Island, and in parts of New Jersey, we say it "Bada Bing-Bada Boom !!!"), but they are in Virginia now,  Kathy Rogan Hurley ante-ed-up for herself and husband Dan. Quickly, Kathy was  "liking" and commenting on the Facebook site.
Although I'm taking a bit of liberty in straying away from a 100% accurate timeline, all of the above and a few other responses from folks caused me to put this up on the Facebook Newman Alums home page:
[REVISED SLIGHTLY] "I get all verklempt at times like these, but instead of wishing my meschpuca >>> zei gezunt and to have a pickle <<< let's cue up Bob Hope on our favorite old vinyl playing device, from the post-war black bakelite RCA 45 player of our older siblings or cousins, to the top of the line Gerards or Harmon-Kardons that some of us bought once we had some disposable cash.....  Take it away Bob, you old ski-jump nose ---
"Thanks for the memory
Of sentimental verse, nothing in my purse
And chuckles when [some of us] said
"For better or for worse"
How lovely it was....
Thanks for the memory
Of tinkly temple bells, alma mater yells
And Cuban rum and towels from the very best hotels
Oh, how lovely it was....
We said goodbye with a highball
Then I got as high as a steeple
But we were intelligent people
No tears, no fuss, hooray for us
Strictly entre nous
Darling, how are you?
And how are all those little dreams
That never did come true?
Awfully glad I met you
Cheerio and tootle-loo
Thank you
Thank you so much."

It's gotten very late; so late, that it's early again.....  So, let's close in the words of Harry Nilsson: (yes, I'm doing an encore  ---  I've stayed awake so long, I'm all manic):   

"Life was clear, Close your eyes  

Remember, is a place from long ago 
Remember, filled with everything you know
Remember, when you're sad and feelin' down
Remember, turn around
Remember, life is just a memory
Remember, close your eyes and you can see
Remember, think of all that life can be

Dream, love is only in a dream, remember

Remember life is never as it seems. Dream

Long ago, far away, Life was clear, close your eyes"

[Remember "You've Got Mail"  and when Meg Ryan still had her young look and before Tom Hanks was Mr. Rogers.....]

Monday, March 2, 2020

Little by little we are making connections with more BC Newman alums

Mary Langro Traynor and Amy Sucich (Amelia Iazzetto) are the latest to turn up in my net  ---  in my own way I have become a "fisher of men (and women)"......  

Maybe, it's not unlike a latter day Saint John Henry Newman, in a belated and roundabout faux-techy kind of way

The way I've been going about this has been slow work on my laptop (which I actually use like a desktop).....

Not only am I not very tech-savvy, I am a dilatory dilettante when I am taking a rest from being a languid laggard.....

In spite of all that, I am making progress in small but meaningful ways (at least that's what I'm telling myself).

Thoughts & prayers,
Jim McCall  (aka Galewyn Massey*)


*There will be a substantial prize for whomever figures out how I came up with that pseudonym......
