Monday, March 2, 2020

Little by little we are making connections with more BC Newman alums

Mary Langro Traynor and Amy Sucich (Amelia Iazzetto) are the latest to turn up in my net  ---  in my own way I have become a "fisher of men (and women)"......  

Maybe, it's not unlike a latter day Saint John Henry Newman, in a belated and roundabout faux-techy kind of way

The way I've been going about this has been slow work on my laptop (which I actually use like a desktop).....

Not only am I not very tech-savvy, I am a dilatory dilettante when I am taking a rest from being a languid laggard.....

In spite of all that, I am making progress in small but meaningful ways (at least that's what I'm telling myself).

Thoughts & prayers,
Jim McCall  (aka Galewyn Massey*)


*There will be a substantial prize for whomever figures out how I came up with that pseudonym......
