Memento Mori --- In Memoriam

Something that is very important to a group like the Brooklyn College Newman Club Alums is a remembrance and memorial section.....  This will be the spot on our site to remember and honor those who are no longer with us, except in spirit.


Vicar to the Newman Apostolate for the Diocese of Brooklyn and Chaplain to the Newman Community at Brooklyn College:

Rev. John J. O’Sullivan


Former priest in residence at the Brooklyn Newman Center:

Rev. Msgr. Howard Basler


Longtime associate of the BC Newman Center & Brooklyn College President 1966-1967: 


Francis P. Kilcoyne


Later:  Member of the Board of Higher Education of the City of New York, and Chairman of the Board of Saint Francis College Brooklyn;  ordained to Priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church in 1980;  deceased in 1985


Longtime faculty adviser to the Newman Community at Brooklyn College:

Dr. Irene Impellizzeri


Longtime faculty adviser to the Newman “Night School” Community at Brooklyn College; and a full participant, along with his family. in the Catholic community and observances at the BC Newman Center:

Prof. Arthur H. Hess


Our sadly departed, but fondly remembered BC Newman Alumni/Alumnae, and other associates:

Judy Black Farrell

Maureen Farrell

William “Bill” Mackey

Joseph E. Saunders

Michael Davino

Ann Elizabeth Thompson-Zuhlke

Fred Patrick Loetterle

Michael Contardo

Thomas Gaetano Morea

Robert Fasano [at the time of death known as Terri Nicole Fasano]

Joseph Gibson

Anne Donahue

Francis M. Bertino


If you have any relevant additions or deletions, either as to those listed above or anybody to be added to the list, please contact the page administrator, Jim McCall [GM], who will make the necessary changes to the above in due course.....

1 comment:

  1. We can always use old or new pictures as long as they are related to the Newman BC Alums.....
    ---JPMcC [GM]
