Photo Album of Brooklyn College Newman Association/Club Alums


Then: but who knows when, "then" ???

Then:  AH!  Good times,  Good times !!!!!
"Those were the days my friend,
We thought they'd never end,
Those were the days,
Oh yes,  those were the days"

1260 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn,  NY
as it looks nowadays ---  but it is not so
very different from the way it looked when it
was the Brooklyn College Newman Center during
our years there in the mid-1960's & early 1970s.....




















Now:  Rosemary Neri Villanella
Once President
of the BC Newman Student Association


Now:  Charles "Buddy" Wisniewski
Once President
of the BC Newman Student Association


Around the time of the 2010 BC Newman NYC Reunion
  Artie Lincoln  ---  Once President
of the BC Newman Student Association


Recent:  Tom Wolosz
Once President
of the BC Newman Student Association


Then:  Mary Langro on campus at BC

Now: Mary Langro...  Traynor


Linda Fina as a Sophomore
at St. Brendan's HS ---  a few
years before her days at BC
& the BC Newman Center

Linda Fina shortly before starting at Brooklyn          
College in the fall of 1967, and the          
start of her BC Newman daze          

Recent photo of
Linda Fina Reich


Way back then:  Michelle Hassett in high school

Still back then, 
but Michelle Hassett
as she looked just after her
BC Newman days

More recent photo of  Michelle Maidt

2012 Portrait shot of
Michelle Hassett Maidt


Adeline Tolino as she appeared in her
1968 high school yearbook, right before
coming to Brooklyn College and the
BC Newman Club/ Assoc

Then: Addie Toleno

Then:  Addie Toleno

Addie relaxing in the sun 
sometime in the last 
few years   

                                             Addie indoors and out of the sun  
                                               ---  that's how some folks stay 
                                                           looking so young

Addie Toleno at the Newman NYC reunion in 2010


Joe Gibson as he looked 
in about 1967

One day while playing cards in S.U.B.O. in about 1970
Joe Gibson showed exactly where certain 
pinochle partners gave him a 
headache with some 
of their bids

Joe Gibson as he looked in 2013;
[Joe passed away in 2018]


Then:  Kathy Rogan
with some BC Newman friends
at Clove Lakes Park

Closer to now:  Kathy Rogan Hurley 
on a 2013 trip to Ireland

Close to then:  Kathy Rogan Hurley in 1975

Not very long ago:  Kathy Rogan Hurley
Near O'Brien's Tower atop the Cliffs of-----

Kathy Rogan
[not yet Hurley; not yet at Brooklyn College]

Kathy Rogan
[still not yet Hurley; still not yet at Brooklyn College]


Then:  Julio Zangroniz

Julio Z. after a night-fall in Sharpsburg
at an Antietam Battlefield event in 2013

2012 ---  Julio Zangroniz with
one of his facorite kings of pet
--- sadly, they all seem to accidently
fall into pots of boiling water  ---
Julio keeps trying to revive then by 
dipping them into soothing warm butter

Closer to now:  Julio Zangroniz



                                                  Jacqueline Hegsted hanging out 
                                                  on Ridge Boulevard  in 1960, 
                                                  rosary, saddle shoes, and all.

Jacqueline Hegsted during her Bishop Kearney HS years in the mid-'60s


Be careful, young lady, sharp & pointy things can be dangerous

        Another photo of Jacquie
             taken at Bishop Kearney HS
           at around the same time  ---
        maybe even the same day

"Jackie" Hegsted
in the late 1960s 
at a BC Newman Club
picnic   ---  probably at
Clove Lakes Park

             Jacquie Hegsted Jansky some time in the 1970s ???

Some time between then & now: 
Jacqueline Hegsted Jansky
"In her Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it..."

Jacquie Hegsted showing us
her tats 'n' tats 'n' tats

Here's the full-frontal Jacquie
in her biking leathers

Jacquie keeps re-inventing herself
---  this is her rebirth as a "Budding  --  River Master"
---  but is it the Allegheny, Mongahela, or the "Mighty Ohio"


Then:  Mary Lynn D'Allesandro
pleasantly dressed for a
nice picnic

A happy moment at somebody's wedding
--- I'll bet she has two handsome guys with her,
one on each arm

Closer to now:  Mary Lynn Knowles
at the NYC BC Newman reunion in 2010
--- a smile still shining through

2017  ---  Our Greenville Gal
Lynn Knowles


Then:  Maureen Farrell

Sometime between then & now:
Maureen Farrell

Then:  Maureen Farrell

Recent:  Maureen Farrell
(Passed away in 2023)


Tom Wolosz, relaxed, arms akimbo
at a BC Newman Club picnic
probably at Clove Lakes Park 
Staten Island


Now:  Tom seems all set ---  good boots, appropriate
clothes, keeping hydrated and resting along the way.....
Tom takes his hiking as seriously as everything else.


Now:  same Tom,  different day


Long Before there was a Mandalorian.....
In a nearer galaxy and in our own time,
the BC Newman Alums had their own
Arthurian Legend

Artie Lincoln in a mellow moment during a Christmastime past

The two pictures immediately above are the
incredible Arthur Lincoln, largely recovered
from his complicated medical issues  ---
these pix were taken while Artie was with
some old friends from BC Newman days
celebrating the 2021 Christmas season together



Then: Stan Maslowski


Between then and now:  Stan Maslowski


Now:  Stan Maslowski


                                Maryann Riccardi 1968                                

Maryann Riccardi in 1968
just before she came to
 Brooklyn College

Then at BC, CUNY,  Maryann  Riccardi
with some Newman chums at Clove Lakes Park

Closer to now: Maryann Riccardi Chiacchere


Egilda Terenzi two above as a Sophomre 
at St. Brendan's HS; and  immediately 
above, shortly before graduation 
from St. B's, and her move 
on to Brooklyn College

Then: Egilda "Jill" Terenzi

Closer to now:  Dr. Egilda Terenzi, M.D.,  at the NYC reunion in 2010.

Photo as posted on USF web page for Dr. Egilda Terenzi, M.D., 2021


Then:  Joan Taylor

Closer to now:  Joan Taylor Waldron at the 2010 reunion


Joe Saunders as he looked at Xaverian in 1964 
shortly before starting at Brooklyn College 
& becoming a regular participant at the 
BC Newman Club/ Center

As up to date as it gets:  Joseph E. Saunders
[ "Joe" passed away in 2004 at age 57]


John Murphy during his BC 
Newman Club days


Frank Cardamone having a laugh
back in his BC Newman Club days


February 2019:  Francis Cardamone being interviewed
about one of his interesting "historic" exploits  ---
this one connected to the reopening of the 
Goethals Bridge near his home on
the Isle of Staten.....


Then:  Laura Demick

Closer to now:  Laura Demick at the 2010 reunion


Close to now:  Linda Mollica Maslowski


                             Nancy Rybaczyk as she looked when 
                             she first came to Brooklyn College in 1965
                              ---  she began coming to the BC Newman Center during
                             1966  ---  and she brought her friend Dorothea along with her


Dorothea Liden
(aka "Dorsey"
Liden, and then
"Dorsey Houston")
as she looked in
1965, not long
before coming to
the BC Newman
Center in 1966

                             Dorothea Houston  ---  Christmastime 2021

                                       Dorsey Houston  ---  1/6/2022



 Lenny Houston 
in the Autumn of 2019

Lenny Houston at a mid-'70s picnic, handling the grill for a few
friends, BC an early get together after graduation.
Many in their group who had met up years before at the
BC Newman Center continued to see each other
regularly for over fifty years.....


Frank Bertino as he looked when he
graduated from Erasmus Hall in 1961, and
started going to the Brooklyn College Newman
 Center  while attending  SGS at BC

Himself: Francis Michael Moran Bertino
This is a 1995 picture of  "FRANK"
this very nice guy, gone since 2019

Closer to now:  Francis M. Bertino
(at 2017 or 2018 Christmas party 
at the home of D&L Houston)
Frank passed away in the summer of 2019


Two photos of Judy Black
   at St. Brendan's HS  ---  not long 
before she began at Brooklyn College


Francene Pagano in 1965, the year
that she started at Brooklyn College
and first came to the BC NewmanCenter


Dr. Fernando Pacifico
(Also sometimes called "Fred" back at BC; 
and since then, "Nando" by others) 
Briefly taught science at St. Saviour's
High School in Park Slope
Practiced medicine in and around Brooklyn


Between then & now:   Mike Davino
(since passed away)

Between then & now: 
Maureen Kennedy Davino


Now:  Maria Sorgi Heinrichs
in BC Newman during 1966 & '67


     Sheila Wanzor (then McCall) well-into 
        her  BC Newman days (1971-'72 ?)


Sheila Wanzor (then McCall)
at an OTB function in 1981

Recent:  Sheila Wanzor McCue
--- the full retinal illumination edition ---
(Scary stuff,  kids !!!)

Even more recent:   Sheila Wanzor  McCue
(at the time, somewhere in Europe, I believe)


Karen Sorensen Greblo,  in a 2012 photo taken during a         
business trip to China for the family-owned business,       
Sandhurst Ridge Vineyard  & Winery in Australia       

[Another 2012 photograph]
You probably remember her as "Karen Sorensen"
during her days on campus at Brooklyn College 
and at the BC Newman Center and functions.....
Now, Karen livess in Australia; and she does 
her part running the family business as
"Karen Sorensen Greblo"


Now:  Joan Janowski Evans

A few years back:  a real American Girl,
Joan Janowski Evans


Up to date professional photo of an up to date professional:  
John Janowski,  former teacher,  former Guidance Counsellor
& former school administrator   ---   Senior Trial attorney, litigator
and Senior Partner in well-respected trial & litigation law firm
[Probably best known as a "cousin to Joan Janowski Evans"]


Closer to then:  The day Theresa Reilly
became Theresa Reilly Portelli

Closer to now:  Theresa Reilly Portelli
while she was running for NYS Controller
on the Green Party Line


A night at the ballpark not too long ago:
We have a winner !!!  Geraldine Reilly

Close to now:  Hon. Geraldine Reilly
---   on the job & on the case

Geri Reilly in 2012




The two pix immediately above are of Nancy Penncavage
as she appeared at St. Brendan's HS, shortly before
she started her studies at Brooklyn College
and frequented the BC Newman Center

Nancy Penncavage in 2011

                                          Nancy - "You look marvelous !!!"
                                              .....but the guy in the tux --- 
                                              HE does look sort of "goofy"

Nancy Penncavage on a carousel sometime in the 2000s 
possibly around 2014 or 2015

Close to now:  Nancy Penncavage
We could be wrong, but we think that
Nancy's in Rome for this pic.....


                                                   Then: Rosemary McCall at a 
                                                       BC Newman picnic

Rosemary McCall in Greenpoint,  
Brooklyn in front of  Artie Lester's 
mom's store a long time ago  [photo
provided by A.L.,  but taken by
Francine Wolf] 

Rosemary McCall in1972



                  10 years later or so, 
                 Rosemary in 1983

Still Rosemary in 1983


June 2019:  Rosemary McCall,
with a what looks like  somebody's
gingham-clad shoulder to her right


Sometime between then & now: 
Artie Lester

Artie Lester gives us the full Floridian dinner look during the second 
COVID-19 year, 
early in 2021

A fairly recent photo of Artie Lester (2019 or 2020)


Early 2011:  A horse and a cow,
and a Wally Walkow


Not very long ago:  Walter Walkow,
just a New Mexico cowpoke from Brooklyn


"Kenneth"/ Ken Garry as a teacher
at Monticello HS, 1976

Ken Garry as a teacher
at Monticello HS, 1977

Ken Garry as a teacher
at Monticello HS, 1978

Ken Garry as a Driver's Ed.
instructor at Monticello HS, 1979

Somewhat closer to then than now:  Ken Garry,  as a young married guy

Closer to now than then : Ken Garry, without glasses full frontal

As we said, closer to now: Ken Garry,
with glasses in profile


Closer to now: Roger Skelton

Closer to now: Roger Skelton

Closer to now: Roger Skelton,  shell fisher
---  Them ain't "shellfish," them's err-sters


A young lad, believed to be 
Bob McAndrew, when he was 
a young Nazarene singer of songs

Bob McAndrew, 1966 at Nazareth HS,   
    shortly before coming to Brooklyn College

Close to now:  Bob McAndrew,
still musical even without
his own pic and strings

Still close to now: Bob McAndrew
channeling his favorite Eugene O'Neill
character,  "The Axeman Cometh"

Pretty much nowadays:  Robt. McAndrew,  Esq.,
wearing his lawyerly togs


Joseph Wronka 1966 at Nazareth HS,
just before coming to Brooklyn College

More recently, around 2020:  Joseph Wronka


Edward Holst at Nazareth HS,
two years before his coming to the
Brooklyn College Newman Center

Here's Eddie Holst on stage at Nazareth HS in 1966
dreamin' about going to Brooklyn College in 1967

Much closer to now:  Edward Holst









A very close to then (mid-1970s) version of
Dennis Cunningham
channeling his inner "Igor" persona
from "Young Frankenstein"

Yesterday when they were young: 
Dennis Cunningham seems quite
content being with his daughter

Spme time close to now: 
Dennis Cunningham
with a familiar acquaintance 

Relatively recently: a decidedly distinguished
Dennis Cunningham

Dennis Cunningham having a
happy birthday in 2022 



Jim Krahel as he looked
in 1966 in his  Christ
The King HS yearbook
the same  year that he
started at

Jim Krahel  ---  shows off his pearly whites ---
it's quite visible even though he's in a full profile 
shot, taken at a lounge in SUBO at Brooklyn College



Susan Margaret Church
at St. Brendan's HS in 1967
shortly before coming to the
BC Newman Club

Close to now:  Susan Church Buckley

Susan Chursh Buckley
on a trip to Ireland 
in about 2018

Closer to now:  Susan Church Buckley

Susan Church Buckley having a nice day
at Citifield not that long ago

Closer to now than in her BC days:   
Susan Church  Buckley


Elizabeth Buckley's St. Brendan's 
graduation photo  --  1967 shortly before
her Brooklyn College days

"A long time ago, when the world was green...
and the loveliest of all...
[was a tie between Liz Buckley] and the unicorn

Elizabeth Buckley Shannon
in golden times with a fine patina

Close to now: Elizabeth Buckley Shannon

In 2017:  Elizabeth Buckley Shannon
from her St. Brendan's HS 50th reunion
for the Class of 1967


Joanne Flanagan: 1967 
at St. Brendan's, just 
before she came to
Brooklyn College

Closer to now:   Joanne Flanagan Hollidge from her
St. Brendan's HS 50th reunion for the Class of 1967


Close to now:  Kathleen Ryniker Bashian;
back in the day, some called her "Kathy Ryniker"

Kathy in 2013
What, no pearls ???

Kathy,later that day in 2013
Such a lovely smile !!!

>>> Still with a smile <<<
A recent business picture of Kathleen Bashian
for her personally guided VIP tours
of Washington, D.C.


Gail Apicella at St, Brendan's in 1965

Gail Apicella in 1967
the year she started at
Brooklyn College

Closer to now:  Gail Apicella Fasano from her
St. Brendan's HS 50th reunion for the Class of 1967


Judith "Judy" Sedore
All three pix from St. Brendan's HS
shortly before she came to
 Brooklyn College in 1967


Roseann Hettesheimer in 1967
the year she started at
Brooklyn College

Closer to now:  Roseanne Hettesheimer Bozzone from her
St. Brendan's HS 50th reunion for the Class of 1967

     Not that  long ago, Roseanne Hettesheimer Bozzone                         
                         at a 2013 awards ceremony                       

Not long before that:
     Roseanne Hettesheimer Bozzone 
in 2011


Patricia Carbone as she 
looked when she was at St. Brendan's HS in 1966

Patricia "Pat" Carbone 
Graduation portrait from St, Brendan's
yearbook  ---  taken in 1967, the same year
as she entered Brooklyn College and started 
coming to the BC Newman Center



Some time around 2017:  Amy Sucich
(Amelia Iazzetto)

Amy Sucich (Amelia Iazzetto)
Same face, different place, different day


Rosemary Doris Spero as she looked
not long before starting at
Brooklyn College

              Rosemary Spero McAndrew: at a family gathering
                            some time between 2013 & 2016

At a recent family event:  Rosemary Spero McAndrew



 Patricia Francesca Cavallari
as she appeared not long before
coming to Brooklyn College in 1967

Patricia Cavallari Walkow
as she appeared in 2019




Richie Caputo at Nazareth HS in 1966
shortly before coming to BC later that year

Richard Caputo,
a recent photo

Now:  Richie Caputo


                John "Dog" Doherty the way he appeared 
                at Nazareth HS in 1966 shortly before 
                coming to the BC Newman Center 
                later that very same year

John Doherty,
man of mystery 
around the BC 
campus, but a 
fixture to those 
that knew him
around the BC 
Newman Center


During 1966 Mike McLeod was a junior at Nazareth HS
where this picture was taken and published in the yearbook

Here's Mike in his track togs.....
When he came to Brooklyn College in 1967  ---  he found 
his way to the BC Newman Club and participated on 
several of the BC Newman intramural teams




Robert Villanella,  
photo taken some time
between then & now



More recent pictures of Robert Villanella                                        


Most recent picture of 
Bob Villnella


Rosemary Neri as she looked in 1964
at Lafayette HS earlier in the same
year that she started her time at
Brooklyn College  ---  and
years before marrying
 John Villanella




John Villanella as he appeared in 1965 in his
Lafayette HS yearbook ---  earlier in the same
year that he started classes at Brooklyn College
and coming to the BC Newman Center

Now:  John Villanella

Same day, different angle:  John Villanella


Tom Morea at Lafayette HS in 1965  ---
earlier in the same year that he began his 
"studies" at Brooklyn College  ---  Tom 
crashed & burned before there even was
a Jolly Bull Pub.....   After four years as a
U.S. Army medtech & para-med assitant, 
Tom came back to BC a changed man. He
finished up his work at BC, went to med 
school, and became a doctor by 1980.....

As recent as possible
Dr, Gaetano "Tom" Morea, M.D.
passed away April 30, 2016


Jane Fahey as she looked in 1966
when she came to Brooklyn College and
the BC Newman Center, where she briefly 
went out with Tom Morea (immediately
above)...   Soon after, she was engaged to
another chap, whom she married about a
year later. Dorothea Liden (later known as
"Dorothea Houston") was Jane Fahey's
Maid of Honor at that wedding.....


Gail Maria Carames
"Gail" the way she 
looked at BC 
Newman in 

Sadly, Gail passed 
away in October
of 2020

Gail Carames,  1965


Gail Carames, 1965


Between then and now:  Dr. Robert Andina, M.D. 

Closer to now:  Dr. Robert Andina, M.D.


Kenneth Sheridan in1966, shortly before
he arrived at Brooklyn College from
Nazareth HS.....   Ken was well
lnown by many BC Newman 
Club alums, but he was best
known to the large intra-
mural sports contingent
of the Newman  Club 


Frank Arena of
the Nazareth HS
Class of 1966, as 
he looked shortly before coming to Brooklyn College
later in '66, and
participating in
several Newman Club functions 
over  the years



Peter Dresch
Graduated from Nazareth HS in 1966
and came to Brooklyn College and in
due course the BC Newman Club


1970-74 Newman Alumna                         
Denise DeSarle Farco (deceased 2021),
survived by husband, Ken Farco



Tony DeVito
Las Vegas trip 
with BC Newman 
friends during 
early 2000

Elaine DeVito
on same early
2000s  Las
Vegas trip as Tony D, above



Pamela Cilento on Las Vegas trip with 
BC Newman friends some time 
during the early 2000s

Tony Cilento during the same early 2000s 
Las Vegas trip as Pam, 
and the others above



2011 or thereabouts:  Newman Alumna Ellen Quigley Fiasconaro

Ellen Quigley Fiasconaro 2015


Ellen Quigley Fiasconaro in 2018


Marty Fiasconaro as he looked not very
long after his  Brooklyn College days

                                                       2011 or thereabouts:  Marty Fiasconaro

Around 2010:  Martin Fiasconaro ---
displaying OUR team's colors
(BTW, it seems like most of the late-60s &
early '70s Newmanites were/are Mets Fans)


Definitely then:  "The Wayfaring Stranger"
Not so definitely, but definitely possibly, somebody named:
Tony JC/ Cilento
[I thought it might have been Frank Bertino, but I
  never knew Frank B. when he looked that young ]



A pair of fairly recent snapshots of  Thomas DiGiovanna


Ron Pagano not 
that very long 
ago; let's say 
2008, more 
or less.....

Ron Pagano:  same day, different angle


Mary Pagano (formerly Mary Ann Conn) 
doing the full Florida look in about 2017

Another recent pix of Mary Pagano,
taken at a local ballpark, probably
the "New" Yankee Stadium


The front man is Frank Franco
doing his musical thing
a few years ago

Frankie Franco  ---  the guitar seems fine, 
but that shirt is definitely broken

The man with a guitar, a porkpie 
hat, and a mission  ---  Frank Franco

[Is somebody channeling Barry McGuire
(the way he looks at reunion concerts  nowadays)
doing his "New Christy Minstrels" stuff on the accoustic ?]
We all know it's cooler on the pate, but where is 
that porkpie hat or bandana  ---  when you
might really need it  ???


When not doing his work as one of the guys in the band
Frankie F. puts on his more formal togs  ---  and he tries his 
hand at conducting  ---  here he's  the conductor for
old No. 40 of the New Hope Steam R.R.



Angela Marie Franco
during 2020


Angela Marie Franco
not very long ago, 
maybe 2011


Tom Dorso on a trip to Las Vegas
with his BC Newman Club
friends during the early

Relatively recent pix of Tom Dorso:
he started his studies at Brooklyn College,
hung with the BC Newman folks, but then he
finished up going to St. Joseph's College downtown


Frank LoPorto at 2010 reunion

At Brooklyn College around the time 
of the 2010 reunion:  Frank LoPorto


At BC Newman 2010 NYC Reunion
Ronald "RJ" Dillon

November, 2017  ---  Ronald "RJ" Dillon


The two pix immediately above are
a time lapse of Anne White as she
looked at St. Brendan's HS  ---
a couple of years before her
days at Brooklyn College
and the Newman Club

    Anne White in her BC Newman 
picnic days & somebody elbowing in

At BC Newman 2010 NYC Reunion
Anne White Durans

               Anne White Durans 2017



Douglas Durans
aas he looked in 1966 at Nazareth
HS --- about two
years before he got to Brooklyn College

At BC Newman 2010 NYC Reunion
Doug Durans


Dennis Green
as he looked in 1966 at Nazareth HS 
--- about two years 
before he got to Brooklyn College
and his days at the
BC Newman Center



Tom White: fairly recent, around 2017
[Look at Tom here along with Doug Durans above
& compare these 2017 pix to their picture together, 
taken in 2010 at the BC Newman Reunion in NYC]
(Note: the 2010 Reunion photos are in a separate section 
below; but wherever they are, even after about seven years, 
I'm sure Tom would say that Doug and he still look pretty good 
compared to the other guys.....)



At the time Thomas Bivona came to Brooklyn 
College and occasionally to the BC Newman 
Center, he lived in East Flatbush, not far 
from Nazareth HS, from which he had
graduated in 1967 ---  this picture is 
from a Nazareth source in 1966


Then:  Tom Kulaga

Closer to now:  Thomas Kulaga


John Grillo in the wild

Way way back:  John Grillo ---
channeling his inner "Full Metal Jacket";
however it's long before Stanley Kubrick
lifted the composition of the scene

Not long ago:  John Grillo, who has
a strange concept of what a lap-dog is.....
John, get a couple of saddles;
and then YOU could sit on those dogs  !!!

John Grillo,
Twenty-first Century Man
in the age of COVID-19


This is a 1966 Bishop Ford HS 
formal yearbook picture of Bob 

It's how we remembered him when he first came to the BC Newman Center in 1966

[He was last known as
Terri Nicole Fasano,
and passed away
in 2017]

Here's a cryptic note from "Bob"
written next to his 1966 
Bishop Ford yearbook 
pix in 2001



Terri Nicole Fasano* (passed away 2017)



Terri Nicole Fasano*
sometime around 2010

                                                     At the shore in 2013,  Terri Nicole Fasano*[deceased]                                           


*Formerly known during BC Newman days as Bob or Robert Fasano                  




Chares "Buddy" Wisniewski

the way he looked as a senior

at Lafayette HS in 1965

later that year, he arrived at

Brooklyn College


the BC Newman Center

Then: Charles Wisniewski
[This picture has to be a computer generated image;
nobody could be that young and be somebody's best man]

     OMG, see what so much sex, drugs and rock'n'roll will do !!!!
       Since this is from Charles "Buddy" Wisniewski's Brooklyn 
                 College ID Card, it's from a very long time ago

"Mr. Wiz" Wisniewski, as he looked 
during his years as the Earth Science maven
at Bishop Kearney H.S., sometime in the late 1970s

A fairly recent shot of  "Buddy"
---  aka  Charles Wisniewski  ---  aka  "Mr. Wiz"
[Also, probably CGI technology being used; nobody
 could be as old as this guy and look so young......]


Two snapshots above show John Zuhlke
at Nazareth HS, about a year before
 he started at Brooklyn College
and the BC Newman Center
in the year 1967

John Zuhlke, dressed as a groomsman
June 1970

"Mr, John Zuhlke"
Teacher of Chemistry at
Bishop Keary HS in 1977

Two recent headshots of JZ
Top: late 2921
Bottom: April 2022


James P. McCall
as he looked at 
Xaverian in 1966
and later that year 
in Brooklyn College
without the bowtie
and white dinner 

        Is that the "Son of Sam" ???
               No,  it's Jim McCall's
                     New York Times Employee
                            Photo ID  1972-73

Early- to mid-90s: Jim McCall
wearing one of his Brooklyn Cyclones hats
[note: the dorky flip-down sungalsses in the "up"
position, like he's waiting for somebody to hit a high
fly ball somewhere up in the sunshine sometime soon]

2020: Jim McCall getting ready to have his
Big Mac & Diet Coke among the palms
at a shorefront park near his
house in Ormond Beach

In this shot taken early in this Millennium,
Jim McCall was known as a man of many hats
[the photo below and to the right shows one very good
reason why]






? - John Murphy - Jacquie Hegsted -
Mary Lynn D'Allissandro - ???One of the Maloney sisters???

"Far From the Madding Crowd" at Clove Lakes Park:
Mary Langro - Egilda Terenzi - Michelle
Hassett - Maryann Ricciardi - Kathy Rogan


Who would believe it ???
Card playing among Newmanites:
??? - Linda Fina - Artie Lincoln


Sure,  it looks like a rowboat, but it's really a picnic !!!
Because we all know that  >>>  "A boat is not
a boat when it's afloat....."
??? - Maryann Riccardi - Julio Zangroniz - ??? - Mary Langro


Something happened  ---  everybody seems to be wet  ---  and
where is Julio ???   If Julio wound up in Clove Lake,
it wouldn't have been the first time.....
Maryann Ricciardi - ??? - Mary Langro


The Newman picnic mystery photo......
Nobody seems to have a clue about
anybody in this picture.....


It's a b-ball game at a picnic  --- 
It's back around the time that the Knicks
last won an NBA championship.....

Now this looks like a game of "Rounders":
maybe it's Judy Seddore and Jacquie
Hegsted in the lower right corner.

Spectators:  ???possibly Tom Kulaga??? - Laura Demick
- Jacquie Hegsted - ???Carl??? -
???one of the Malony sisters???


An amorphous Newman crowd at a Newman Club
picnic practicing "social distancing" years and years
and years before the COVID-19 virus pandemic of 2020.....
Obviously, they need more practice.....


Definitely then:  "The unidentified picnicker"
[By consensus, Tom DiG's ID of the guy
and a partial admission by Tony 'JC']
It's very likely to be Anthony Cilento



Around 2011:   Maryann Riccardi Chiacchere
with Colleen Keller Chiacchere

Then:  Michelle Hassett & Maryann Riccardi

Then:  Michelle Hassett & Frank Cardamone

Then:  ???  and Julio Zangroniz

Then:  Julio Zangroniz  &  Linda Fina
[Just guessin'  ---  Is Julio saying:  "If 'this Bud's 
for you'  ---  then what Bud is for me?"

Now: Linda Fina Reinsch & Steve Reinsch

Then:  Tom Kulaga & Mary Langro

Sometime back then  ---  looks like
 a reception at S.U.B.O.  ---  Mary Langro
& Egilda Terenzi


Closer to now:  Mary L... Traynor on campus
with her daughter in about 2010

Mary L...  Traynor with Kevin Traynor 
in 2011

Well, here's a couple and a couple more
Mary Langro...Traynor in a wonderful
trans-generational pic from June 2023


Then:  Maureen Farrell hoisted upon Artie Lester
channeling Agent Foster Grant

Then: Is that two Arties together ?????


A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea
sat Artie and Margie having more than tea
---  Maybe, it was far away in Rockaway
--- Maybe, it was 1972 or '73

Around that time  ---  1972 to be exact  ---
Arthur and Margaret Lester got married....

 Awhile after that, it was Artie L. with this
all-in-the-family plus one

And then this   ---   plus one and Artie L. at work.....

Where did those fifty years since 1972 go ???
 Arthur and Magaret Lester only
know where their's went 
---  if they even went
anywhere at all...


Close to present: Dorsey & Lenny Houston
 50th Anniversary  ---  Fall 2019


Thomas & Marcia Wolosz at a formal affair
in 2015 with lots of photographic
work going on around them


Recently:  Eddie Holst & Lizzie Donahue Holst


Not very long ago:  Joe & Maureen Gibson 

Maureen & Joe Gibson on their 30th Anniversary;
at Geneva, NY  --  June 27, 2017


Rosemary Spero McAndrew & Bob McAndrew,
much closer to now than then

Rosemary & Bob McAndrew
at the same place, but during different times 
--  neither very long ago


The Sucichs surrounded by lots of white Travertine;
so I'm guessin' it's Rome

Definitely NOT Rome  ---
The Sucichs in Alaska
near a glacier


Pat Cavalleri & Wally Walkow up a tree,
maybe to avoid the snow on the ground
during a cold month in 1969

Walter Patricia Walkow
Fifty years later in 2019

Photo at High Tea in 2020
Patricia & Walter Walkow

Patricia &Walter Walkow
Enjoying some "Outdoor Dining"
 during the COVID-19 days
in February 2021


Much closer to back then: 
Dan Hurley with Kathy Rogan Hurley
(Why is everybody so dressed up ???)

Much closer to now:  Dan & Kathy Hurley

At the base of Denali during a recent Alaska trip:
Dan & Kathy Hurley


Much closer to  "Those were the days my friend":
Linda Mollica Maslowski
Stan Maslowski

Close to now:  Stan & Linda Mollica Maslowski

Near a special fruit tree in Paradise:
Linda & Stan Maslowski
with "Sam the Serpent"
[Cue David McCallum w/ song "In the Garden Under the Tree"
from 1967 movie "Three Bites of the Apple"]


2018:  Dennis Cunningham with Lillian Fernandez
at  Elfde Gabod in Antwerp, Belgium

It's post vacination time in 2021, and Dennis Cunningham's
 at home with Lillian and visiting with Liz Cunningham
Halbert.  ---  Here are Dennis and Liz  having a toast
with what looks like some sake to go with  that feast
of sushi and various cooked items on the table


There are many Kodak moments
this is a Kojack moment:
"Who loves yuh, Baby !!!"

                     Jacquie Hegsted getting a super supermarket-hug              


Close to now: John & Rosemary Neri Villanella
(It sure looks like a book signing.....)

Close to now:  John & Rosemary Villanella


Time lapse  ---  From close to then thru close to now: 
Ken Garry and his daughter Erin


April 2021 in Upstate New York
Ken Garry with Jennifer Garry


Not that long ago:  Ellen & Marty Fiasconaro;
at the game and union strong.....

Close to now:  Ellen & Marty Fiasconaro

A little trip to get some gelato  not so long ago:
Marty & Ellen  ---   and the shop says all the rest


And in 2008 the cameraman said: 
"Let me have two really big smiles....." 
So, Mary & Ron Pagano complied as best they
could under the circumstances, all things considered.....

"Take me out to the ballgame..."
Mary & Ron Pagano
at Yankee Stadium


Angela Marie & Frank Franco, 
 putting their heads together
and seeing eye to eye

Angela Marie  & Frank Franco in 2015


Tony & Pam Cilento
during 2021



Frank & Madeline LoPorto
during 2021


Mr. & Mrs. Joe Romano on a trip to Las Vegas
with a group of '60s and '70s Brooklyn
College Newmanites during 
the early 2000s


Longtime Newman friend Ken Farco
with his wife, former Newmanite
Denise deSarle Farco
(deceased 2021)


Susan Church Buckley and Kevin Buckley (deceased)


                     2016:  Susan Church Buckley
                     & Elizabeth Buckley Shannon

From a recent trip "Down Under":
Maori Chief with Liz Buckley Shannon


Karen Sorensen Greblo & Paul Greblo,
who actually live "Down Under" at
their vineyard & winery with
 B&B cottages in Australia
[although this 2012 pix was taken in China]


A 2018 photo at a properly cloistered venue:
Joan Taylor Waldron and husband Tom Waldron 

Okay !!! This little bit of underwater photography is
a little theatrical in an Esther Williams sort of way.
Even one of Joan's non-Newman friends said that
Joan and her husband Tom Waldron looked
"like something out of [the movie] 'Cocoon' ..."
in this 2011 vacation shot.....


Not very long ago:  Teri  Reilly  Portelli & Geri Reilly
doing an exchange of gifts

Theresa Reilly Portelli in 2011
with her husband John Portelli

About 2012:  Could that be Theresa Reilly Portelli &
yet another Theresa Reilly Portelli ??? 
There are just so many beautiful 
reflections in this photo !!!


Frank Bertino showing Jim McCall some luvin'
--- actually it's just some horsin' around
at the Saratoga Racetrack in August 1983
--- the "Alabama" Weekend to be precise





".... By the sea, by the sea, by the beautiful sea! You and me, you and me, oh how happy we'll be! When each wave comes a-rolling in We will duck or swim, And we'll float and fool around the water. Over and under, and then up for air, Pa is rich, Ma is rich, so now what do we care? I love to be beside your side, beside the sea, Beside the seaside, by the beautiful sea! "
[Song and full cast production number from the Spring 1968   "Newman Follies" at the Brooklyn College Newman Center]


Definitely "Sun, Sand & Surf": 
I'm guessin' three youngsters from the Clan Fiasconaro, 
recently  ---  somewhere in the vicinity of
Ormond or Flagler Beaches in Florida


"A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea..."
stood Michelle Hassett, Mary Langro and Anne White
(three youngsters definitely NOT from the Fiasconaro Clan)


Then:  Maureen Farrell & some others,
probably at Riis Park Beach


A while ago:  Michelle Hasset, Maryann Riccardi and others
[It looks like the beach at  Riis Park ]


Definitely not back in the day:  Michelle Hassett Maidt
Look,  it's Egypt,  and Giza is in the desert  ---  
so, there must be sun & sand.....  There's no 
surf,  but two out of three ain't bad.....
[besides,  I just love this picture]


Joan Taylor Waldron seems to like
sea life  ---  or she lost a bet to Tom
in 2011

Joan T-W taking a ride on a pair of dolphins.....
One wonders if that was what the fishy kiss was all about.....

                                        Don't let anybody tell you that 
                                                                 Joan Taylor Waldron 
                                                                                doesn't look good in hats

Summer 2018 reflections in  the surf-wettened sand.....
Theresa Reilly Portelli taking what looks like an
early morning run at the seashore somewhere


A few years ago: Nancy Penncavage
by the seaside off the lovely Isle of Capri
in the sea between Naples
and the beach at Salerno

Nancy Penncavage ---
A few years ago at the
Fire Island Seashore

Nancy P. and her toes kicking back in a pool
in the 20-teens


Obviously, some of our BC Newman Alums prefer to be in the water during the summer months, or when taking a warm venue vacation  ---  others appear to be more content just being near the water  ---  and still others seem happiest when they are on the water.....

Here is Dennis Cunningham enjoying some boating during the summer of 2022


Ellen Quigley Fiasconaro on a big boat,
obviously a setting sun, and a
bit of sea in the distance ---
there must be sand


Definitely getting a sun, sea and sand vibe from 
Mary Pagano in this fairly recent pix (2017 ?).
However, do you see anybody in the shot
dressed for swimming ???


Here's a pool shot of Ronald Pagano
"Eightball in the side pocket !!!"

Mary & Ronald Pagano
[Editor's note: I'm pretty sure that I see
sea and sand in this shot; and the sun has to be 
around somewhere (see, Mary has her sunglasses 
perched on the top of her head).....]


Sure looks like it's closer to now: 
Kathy Rogan Hurley with Dan Hurley
enjoying the sun, sand & surf during 
a Christmas time vacation or cruise;
other shots were at the Kennedy Space
Center,  so this is probably a Florida beach

  A very special sun and surf and sand picture:
Kathy Rogan Hurley magically in a "then" and "now" photo  
 Probably at Christmas 2014 in Clearwater, Florida 
(Kathy is only guessing the at time and place  ---  the magical
time lapse photo process has that effect on memory)


A recent portrait... of  a happy man...
in a beachchair... on a beach......
Doug Durans


Two parrots resting on a beach in 2018
>>> Low and Behold <<<
A pair of BC GEO DEPT. alums
provided a handy perch.....
BC Newman Alum Tom Wolosz
& his wife Marcia Bookman Wolosz


--October 8, 2010 --   
BC Newman Alum Terri Nicole Fasano. [Deceased  2017]
with Diann Castiaux at the shore by the sea, where "[They] said  'I do' again"


Ken Garry with his daughter Erin


Very recently (probably May 2019 or 2020):  This sure looks
like a familiar face looking into a setting
sun on a beautiful Florida beach.....
Could it be Artie Lester ?????

2021 --- Artie & Margaret in a pool together


Now:  Sheila Wanzor McCue,
---  at beach on Cape Cod  ---
August, 2020


Jim McCall at Mount Vernon, Va. on June 17, 2021
---  next to the Potomac River  ---  at the site of the
"Landing Pier" for George Washington's Estate

A couple of recent shots of the Newman Alums Blog &
Facebook Page administrator: Jim McCall,
(aka  "JPMcC  [GM]") 
Also note: in the distance, upper right
in the pix, is a sliver of sandy
beach behind the boat 

2020: in front row, two of Sheila Wanzor McCue's
seven granddaughters,  Dehlia & Lydia Cottle; her daughter
Mary Cottle & Son-in-Law Jared Cottle; standing behind, JPMcC
 [GM], a now-regular denizen of the Beach Bucket in Ormond
Beach, Florida;  definitely sand & surf, and a Jimmy Buffet 
mix in the background.  [PS  ---  the sun is setting off camera]

Okay, so it's a pool and not a sandy beach, but
of this blog's administrator,
JPMcC   [GM]





February 2019:  Francis Cardamone of Staten Island
was the first driver over the newly opened stretch of
Bayonne Bridge. He also was the first over the
northbound roadway when it opened in 2017.
[Frank is joined by Ms. Olga Krueger, the Port Authority General
Manager of Staten Island Bridges] (Courtesy of Port Authority)


This is a picnic,  but is it girls playing Rugby ???
It certainly resembles a scrum of sorts.
Wait a second, there are guys in the shot too.....

Again, it's surely a picnic;  but I'm sure this isn't
what it looks like.....  It's probably just four
guys trying to open a jar of pickles.

Water sports ???

"I promise not to spray you....."
[Probably Maureen Farrell] with Tom Kulaga

See !!!  You can stay dry and still have fun.
Two Toms and a Mary

I'm sure there's an innocent explanation.....
Anything else is just "idle speculation".....
[The names are withheld to protect somebody]

This sort of thing just always seemed to happen to some folks.....
Obviously, Mary Langro was one of those kinds of  folks

Yes, Mary Langro did escape
 her trash basket predicament.....
Here she is in about 2012
still celebrating her freedom
OLAY !!!!!


Addie is telling Jim Krahel that she likes the gift;
while Maryann Riccardi tries to figure out
whether what she has in her hand has
a real front and back to it.....


Then: Joe Gibson and Addie T  both seemed  surprised
that Mary had a cigarette in her hand.....
Very recently,  Mary denied that she
was smoking it at all.....


OKAY !!!   YOU TELL ME.....


Well, it looks like it might be a BC Newman basketball team.....
it sure ain't a chorus line with those gambs.



Newman Soccer Team, sometime around 1970
Top: Paul Mazza; From Left Middle Row: Bill Wagle, John D'Allessandro, Artie Lincoln, 
Julio Zangroniz, Rich Maniacci; Bottom Row:  Frank LoPorto, Jim Krahel


A fairly recent photo [but well before the COVID-19 thing]      
that's Tom Dorso to the left of the pix      


It's there in glorious black and white  ---
Doug,  Mary Lynn and Julio
all dressed up


AH !!!   It's San Genaro ---
quite a while ago


"Celebration Time -- Come On..."
Elizabeth Buckley Shannon
Susan Church Buckley 
& Kevin Buckley


At a recent event:  Martin Fiasconaro & Kiva.....
Is that dancing, wrestling or finding
somebody's shoulder to cry on ???


BC Newman Alums 
Ken Garry (second right front) &
Roger Skelton (tallest in rear)
at St. Francis Prep Reunion


Early 2016
Ken & Jennifer Garry 
Two smiling faces 
in a crowd of smilng faces


BC Newman friends get together
for some fun in Las Vegas
during the early 2000s


A lot of the same folks got together
somewhere in Brooklyn during 2021


Time lapse:  John Grillo


 Diann Castiaux and Terri Fasano [Deceased - 2017]
posing with a cutout of Elvis 
May, 2012 at 
Mantua, NJ


Early time lapse:  Stan Maslowski


Parental time lapse:  Linda & Stan Maslowski
with daughter Jennifer: first, not long after BC years in the 70s;
then, Jennifer at 21 during the mid-years in the 90s


Time lapse:  Nancy Penncavage with her guys Dan & Luke,
starting in about 1999 and running through about 2016


Here is an interesting shot from about 1969 of Charles Wisniewski, aka "Buddy"
---  he's with his band, "Apocalypse"  ---  and an "informed" rumor has it
that they were playing a dance gig at the Brooklyn Newman Center

Not very long ago:  "Here's lookin' at you, kid !!!"
Charles "Buddy" Wisniewski with his daughter Kristen
[and somebody has more chins than a Chinese phone book]


Pamela Cilento with her three favorite 
muffins fresh out 
of the microwave
not very long




Artie Lincoln & Mary Langro... Traynor;
both instrumental in making the
2010 reunion what it was.....

Mary L...Traynor with somebody that
looks a lot like Mary did in the day

Addie Toleno, Bob & Rosemary McAndrew, and John Grillo
The folks in this photo connect so many different subgroups
within the BC Newman Alums it is almost uncanny.....

Addie T with Bobby Mack-Andrew

Linda Fina Reinsch  &  Mary Lynn D'Allesandro Knowles

Steve Reinsch

Maureen & Joe Gibson

???  with Egilda Terenzi

Egilda T with Laura Demick

Joan Taylor Waldron seems to be getting the point,
while husband Thomas looks on

At the Newman Reunion in 2010  ---   Doug & Anne Durans

Anne White Durans with  Ronnie  "RJ" Dillon

Frank LoPorto with Doug Durans at the reunion

Always the social butterfly,  here's Doug Durans with Tom White

At the reunion:  Doug D & TW  ---  Says Tom, as he gestures: 
"Doug,  you know, compared to those guys over there, 
I think that we look pretty good....."




---  IN A CROWD  ---  
---  OR ALL ALONE  ---


Here's something that you don't see every day....  

Of course not --- it's obviously a Christmas pic.....  
We think that it might be one of our Newman guys
 from the late-60s and/or early 70s [ our guess is 
that it's Frankie Franco] dressed up as Santa 
during a very recent Christmas Past  ---   Hint:  
that is the No. 40 steam engine on the New Hope RR.


A long time ago in a kingdom by the sea... 
Maureen Farrell and Artie Lester
share Christmas together
with a Christmas tree



Mary Langro stopping by for a Christmas visit
with Santa and others by the tree ---
I especially love the hats'n'hats'n'hats !!!

Mary Langro Traynor: 2017
Christmas time in Bryant Park
with Laurie & Lily

Mary Langro Traynor  ---  Christmas 2020
Is that little Lily topping off the tree ???



Here's Addie Toleno doing a full frontal 
Christmas Tree shot, not so very long ago



Christmas tree trimming at the Houston's house
Dorothea and Leonard Houston
December 19, 2020

Dorothea Houston  ---
Christmas tree trimming at the Houston'shome,  
December 19, 2021


Dorsey taking a break from her
tree trimming duties ---

Rosemary McCall at Houston's 
tree trimming  ---  12-19-2022

Buddy Wisniewski was quarantined 
for the Houstin tree trimming on ---
12-19-2021, so his visit to the
Houstons for Christmas was
closer to Little Christmas, 
on 1-7-2022



Doug Duran's Christmas 2017


This is Tom Bivona at Christmas time
around the time of his retirement in 2017.


A very long time ago
Stan Maslowski & a day with Santa, but
this time Santa didn't make the cut



2021 pre-Christmas get together: John Zuhlke, 
Charles "Buddy" Wisniewski & Artie Lincoln

               2021 pre-Christmas get together
     Jim McCall, Charles "Buddy" 
  Wisniewski & Artie Lincoln


Artie mentions to Buddy: 
that if he keeps moving 
both hands while Jim 
is taking the picture, 
they will come 
out blurry

Buddy answers Artie: that if 
Jim would use something 
better than his damned 
old flip phone, he 
wouldn't have any 
problems with
motions like


[Top photo] Christmas 2020  ---  in New Paltz, NY  ---  Jim McCall with
his daughter Ann, her husband Blake Swan, and Jim's granddaughters, 
Waverly (center), and Willow (to the right in photo)....
[Bottom photo] Christmas 2020  ---  in New Paltz, NY 
 ---  Jim McCall with his son "JB"  ---  JB's wife Holly, 
 Jim's grandson Brendan, and granddaughter "Lizzie"    


Christmastime 2020
Almost a cast of thousands  ---  all "Cottles" but one, 
from the left:  Mary,  Rebekah, Samuel, Joanna, 
Sheila Wanzor McCue (squeezed in the middle), 
Deliah, Lydia, Aedan and Jared
(They seem so familiar, they feel just
like family to me.....  JPMcC  [GM])





Pat Agostino in 1971 or '72
a friend to many at BC Newman
especially a few who were Geology Majors


Pat Agostino in May, 1973


June 1970 photo of James Vincent Reilly,
referred-to by most at BC Newman Assoc./ Club as
  Widely known  & a friend to many, also the brother
of Geraldine Reilly & Theresa Reilly Portelli

Jim Reilly in the early 1990s


Now:  Ken Farco, a longtime friend   ---  both then and now ---
of many BC Newman Alums, and a regular at
many BC Newman events and functions

Recently:  Ken Farco  ---  dozing himself ???
---   "Cute or what !"
That pretty much says it all.....


Up to date [passed away in 2013]:  Mike Contardo,
husband to Theresa Micello Contardo; longtime friend
of the BC Newman Community;  drummer in bands
at several BC Newman dances; regular private
 guest at several BC Newman members at home parties; 
childhood chum of Charles Wisniewski; and a BC graduate


During most the time that she was Chairman of the Ed. Department and then Assistant Dean at 
Brooklyn College,  Dean Irene Impellizerri was also a long-term Faculty Advisor for the BC 
Newman Association.  In addition to often attending events at the Newman Center, she always 
remained a good friend of the Newman Club and its student members.....

Dean Irene Impellizerri
as she appeared in about 2000
when she was a Board Member
of the NYC Bd. of Ed.

Dean Irene Impellizerri
as she was pictured in the NY Post
shortly after her passing in November 2009

Dean Irene Impellizerri 
with Robert Wagner Jr. in 1986

Photo of Dean Impellizerri in 2002


Recent 2012 PR photo:  Thomas & Mary Hartmann, both longtime
members of the BC Newman Community;  Tom Hartmann was
a BC Newman faculty advisor and a professor in the BC English
Department;  Mary worked in the BC administration;  both
regularly attended BC Newman events and functions


Father John O'Sullivan
as he looked in 1969; he was the BC Newman Assoc. Chaplain
throughouttthe 1960s and early 1970s

Father John O'Sullivan
as he appeared at a
Villanella Family Christening
during the early 1990s


2017 photo of Father Richard E. Long,
most recent chaplain for the BC Newman Center
at 2401 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn, NY
and the Brooklyn College Community


Father Howard Basler was a "Priest in Residence"
at the Brooklyn Newman Center during the late 1960s. 
He often said the evening mass in the Newman Chapel
and occasionally filled in for the BC Newman Chaplain, 
Fr. John J. O'Sullivan

Father Basler held many Diocesan offices,
was finally made a Pastor, and he was 
elevated to Monsignor.

Monsignor Basler passed away in 2015. 


Those of you that knew him from your BC Newman daze
probably knew this man as Father Alden Brown, 
the chaplain in the BC Newman Center and
for the faith community at
Brooklyn College


Here he is later in life..........

He no longer is known as "Father "
Alden Brown, but this is a fairly 
recent photo of the hale fellow

After leaving Brooklyn College
Alden Brown took up teaching
at Brooklyn Tech HS, from
which he is now retired
Here he is with his wife of
many years, Maureen


Now, well over 80 yoa, here are
Maureen & Alden
in 2016


1959: Brooklyn College Dean of Administration
Francis P. Kilcoyne,  longtime participant in
the BC Newman Community


Presidential Portrait of Francis P. Kilcoyne
in Brooklyn College Library

Longtime associate of the BC Newman Center

Brooklyn College President 1966-1967
Later Member of the Board of Higher Education
of the City of New York
Later Chairman of the Board of
Saint Francis College, Brooklyn

Ordained to Priesthood in the 
Roman Catholic Church in 1980

Deceased in 1985



1 comment:

  1. We can always use new photos, old photos and in between photos of Brooklyn College, the BC Newman Club/Assoc., any BC Newman Alums or associates, or anything else relevant to these things.....
    --- JPMcC [GM]

    If you ave
