Friday, January 24, 2020

Just Getting Started

Little by little I'll try to build this blog so that it can function as a bulletin board for Brooklyn College Newman Center Alumni from the 1960s and 70s

Even when I'm diligent,  I'm slow and plodding  ---  So, please be patient.....

Let's see how this goes !!!

Please,  feel free to comment in any way that you might choose to do so.  What's the the worst that could happen ?  (There will be a short delay before your comment appears;  usually not more than a couple of hours if I am diligent.)


  1. This is just a test to see if the comment posts correctly

  2. A few of us got together on Tuesday, January 14th at Karczma, a nice Polish restaurant in Greenpoint, Brooklyn --- The little group included Artie Lincoln, Buddy Wisniewski, John Zuhlke, Jim McCall & Frank LoPorto. Good times..... memories, clear and not so clear..... and names and names and names of others not there (one or two sent their regrets & promised to try to get to our next dining out event).....

    So, for we few, one little new memory..... And for the rest, wish you can make it next time.....

  3. Former site of the Brooklyn College Newman Center, 1260 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn NY, as it now appears. --- This is where the Newman Center was located during the late 1960s through the mid-1970s. It is now being operated as a Seventh Day Adventist Church and School. Note the new construction next door to the north (right of the photo).

  4. Brooklyn College Newman Center at its current location, 2401 Glenwood Road, Brooklyn NY, at the corner of Glenwood Road and Mansfield Place.
